Cam asa cred ca e saptamana asta pentru Anca si Ionel, incat nu cred ca isi mai dau seama care lupta e mai grea, cea cu boala lui Tudor sau cu sistemul medical romanesc. Daca reusesti sa fii suficient de tare cu nervii incat sa nu cedezi psihic in hatisul de documente, semnaturi, proceduri si explicatii incomplete care ti se dau, atunci inseamna ca esti puternic. Cei care au avut de-a face cred ca stiu mai bine ca mine, insa nu voi intra in amanunte pentru ca nu face obiectul acestui blog, eu vreau sa va tin la curent cu starea lui bebe Tudor (care e stabila) si cu ultima veste buna, speram din toata inima ca maine sa fie gata toate actele si Tudor sa plece miercuri dimineata cu o ambulanta speciala la o clinica din Viena, unde a fost acceptat pentru operatie.
Pana la urma nu s-a mai optat pentru Linz, din cauza costurilor enorme de transport (18.000 euro numai transportul!) si din cauza ca respectiva clinica ar fi putut opera abia in decembrie (mult prea tarziu pt Tudor), pentru ca nu s-a primit plata unor facturi restante de la CAS Romania (ce supriza, nu-i asa?).
Dar speram sa fie totul ok, bebe sa plece miercuri cu ambulanta (aceasta costa 3000 euro, ceva mai rezonabil, insa si de acesti bani parintii au nevoie). Aceasta va fi prima operatie si daca are succes vor mai urma cel putin 2 (urmatoarea la interval de 3-6 luni, inca nu se stie exact).
Toata aceasta operatiune implica cheltuieli si va multumim anticipat pentru ca va ganditi la ei, ca ii sustineti (financiar, moral, spiritual, orice rugaciune e binevenita), imi permit sa va multumesc in numele lor.
Nu pot sa nu inchei cu un gand care imi persista in minte, legat de mama lui Tudor (poate pentru ca am trecut nu demult eu insami printr-o nastere si stiu ce inseamna), Anca face aproape zilnic drumuri de Cluj (pentru cei care nu cunosc traseul Baia Mare- Cluj in acest moment sa stiti ca este o aventura, drumul e in lucru), adica cate 4 ore cel putin pe drum zilnic, asta dupa nici 48 de ore de la nastere. Imi permit sa imi exprim admiratia pentru puterea care o are si efortul care il depune pentru Tudor.
Dumnezeu sa le dea putere in continuare si sa fie cu bebe Tudor pe drumul spre Viena!
Week 3 - The race
I am trying to imagine how this week has been for Anca and Ionel when they cannot decide what’s harder, the fight with Tudor’s illness or with the Romanian healthcare system. You must be a strong person not to break down under the constant barrage of documents, signatures and red tape for inexplicable reasons. Those who have gone through this know better what I am talking about. I want to just let everybody know what's Tudor’s situation right now, he is stable. We are hoping that all the documents will be done shortly and on Wednesday morning Tudor will be transported by a special ambulance to a clinic in Vienna where he is scheduled for a surgery.
The parents have decided not to take him to Linz because of the high costs for transportation (18000 euro!!) and because the surgery would have been performed only in December since the CAS Romanian Healthcare hasn’t paid their bills on time (surprise!!) which would have been too late for Tudor. We are hoping with all our heart that the little baby boy leaves on Wednesday in the ambulance that costs only 3000 euros (the parents need also this amount). This will be the first surgery and if it is successful, at least two more will be needed (the next one will be within 3-6 months).
All this costs a lot and we would like to thank you in advance on their behalf for all the moral, spriritual and financial help provided. We welcome all your prayer. Anca goes everyday to Cluj (for those who may not know the road to Baia-Mare to Cluj is an adventure since it is under construction). That is about 4 hours in the car at least on a daily basis after delivering a baby less than 48 hours ago. I would like to express my admiration for this mother for, what she is doing for her son, baby Tudor.
May God help them to be strong in the next days and may He help baby Tudor to arrive safely to Vienna!
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