There is a Romanian saying that goes
something like this: “money can’t buy happyness” , but it’s sad that sometimes
you need money to “buy” life. Or, to be more precise, the life of a 1-year-old
baby, Tudor Tiplea. What’s his life worth, in euros? At least 120,000, for a
heart transplant, and some extra for other expenditures, that are not known
yet. Yes, this is his only hope, the verdict has been given and the sentence is
heavy on his parents’ shoulders, who already feel like they reached their
limit, especially financially. Half of Tudor’s family is hospitalized in Viena
(him and his mother) and the other half (namely, his father, who lost his job
due to all the travels) is commuting from Baia Mare.
A fundraising campaign is just
beginning, because his parents are willing to do EVERYTHING that is humanly
possible for their little baby. On every possible and impossible way.
The parents have already applied for
funds from the Health Ministry but it’s uncertain as to if and when their
application will be accepted. They want to fundraise at least part of the money
and to pay it as a guarantee, so that the heart transplant can take place
sooner. Every day is valuable for little Tudor.
The “Mereu aproape” foundation will
also begin a campaign. But we don’t know when. I’ll get back with details.
Any media campaign is wellcome, as
well as any sum, no matter how small it seems. I know there are many children
with health problems and that not all their cases have happy endings. I know
that there are many ways you cand spend money and you may ask yourself “Why
Tudor?”. Why do I believe in Tudor? Why do I believe that he will live? Why
will my family and I do whatever is possible to help him? Because I BELIEVE.
Because I saw that this little man, with 1% life chance (as the doctores said),
turned 1, came back “from the dead” a few times and continues to fight. He
fights for his life, with more strength than we, healthy grown ups, do. And when we see this little baby carrying on
such a battle, we should make a little sacrifice for him. And the reasons could
go on and on. I am a mother and I let my
heart listen to a child’s needs.
I’m asking for your HELP once more.
And I let you read what Anca had to write about her baby’s case, words that
flow, just like blood out of a mother’s wounded heart.
I also attached a few medical
documents. Thank you for your patience in reading this. Please share with
Tudor was born on 10.10.2011, after a
problem-free pregnancy and an easy birth. It was one of the happiest days of
our lives, we were finally four, and our eldest son Vladut, who is 7, could
finally enjoy his much awaited little brother. He got a 10 mark at birth – he
was a beautiful baby, chubby, with almost 4 kg, and red cheeks. We were asured
by the doctors that he was a perfectly healthy baby. We weren’t expecting any
problems, since during the pregnancy we did all the necessary check ups,
analyses, including 4D ecography – all the test said that everything was ok and
didn’t show any kind of malformation. Back then, we didn’t think that there
could be something to shadow all that great joy. But the joy lasted for only 2
days, when we were told that our baby could have a very serious heart
problem. His heart began to decompensate
and the oxygen saturation reached 63-65%. He was ventilated manually for 6 hours, what it took for a neonatal ambulance to come to Baia Mare from Cluj Napoca. In Baia Mare there is no possibility to mechanically ventilate a new born. We didn’t realise what was going on. It felt like we were having a nightmare and I wanted to wake up from it, as soon as possible. But all I could hear was “I don’t think he’s going to make it, we’re losing him”. He was transferred in Cluj, where he stayed for 3 weeks in the Intensive Care unit. It was there where we got a more disturbing piece of information “Your baby has the most difficult heart problem possible – left heard hypoplasia, which means that his left ventricle, which is the pump of the heart, is not well developed. He has no chance for survival in Romania”. After 3 very long weeks, filled with unhappy happenings, we managed to get to the AKH Clinic in Viena, where he got his first open heart surgery on the 30th of October. For his condition, 3 palliative surgeries are needed to improve his life. Unfortunately, none can correct the problem. After the first one, we were hospitalised for almost 8 weeks, and the baby had a good evolution. We went home on the 6th of December, hopeful but worried because of the Romanian health system. We were supposed to be back in February for the second surgery and in all this time the baby had to be kept away from any virus, any bacteria, any sickness. It was very difficult, taking into account the fact that our elder boy went to kindergarden and could take several viruses. But God took care of everything and we managed to make it to February without a problem. Tudor was growing just like a normal child. Everybody was proud of him. The time came for the second surgery and we went back to Viena optimistical, hopeful and with confidence. On the 2nd of February 2012 Tudor got his second open heart surgery, which, as the doctors put it, was a success. We were very happy, Tudor’s recovery from the surgery was great and we didn’t think something bad could happen. But the nightmare only began. 7 days after the surgery, on the 1st of March, Tudor had a myocardial infarction. Yes, a 4-month baby had a heart attack. That was when we were told again “We’re sorry, the next hours are critical, we don’t know if he’s going to make it”. It was too much for us. He was intubated right away and ventilated mechanically for almost 2 months. But Tudor didn’t give up, he had an unimaginable will to live. God helped us and 3 months later we left the intensive care unit. Our hopes began to grow again, we were dreaming that everything would be fine. The doctors hoped that with medication his little heart would recover from the heart attack and in a few weeks’ time we would go home. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the case, after 2 weeks he had septicemia, which pulled him back, to a stage even worse the one right after his heart attack. He was again ventilated mechanically for 1 more month, 2 days after being extubated he had a respiratory arrest and was intubated again, for another 2 weeks.
and the oxygen saturation reached 63-65%. He was ventilated manually for 6 hours, what it took for a neonatal ambulance to come to Baia Mare from Cluj Napoca. In Baia Mare there is no possibility to mechanically ventilate a new born. We didn’t realise what was going on. It felt like we were having a nightmare and I wanted to wake up from it, as soon as possible. But all I could hear was “I don’t think he’s going to make it, we’re losing him”. He was transferred in Cluj, where he stayed for 3 weeks in the Intensive Care unit. It was there where we got a more disturbing piece of information “Your baby has the most difficult heart problem possible – left heard hypoplasia, which means that his left ventricle, which is the pump of the heart, is not well developed. He has no chance for survival in Romania”. After 3 very long weeks, filled with unhappy happenings, we managed to get to the AKH Clinic in Viena, where he got his first open heart surgery on the 30th of October. For his condition, 3 palliative surgeries are needed to improve his life. Unfortunately, none can correct the problem. After the first one, we were hospitalised for almost 8 weeks, and the baby had a good evolution. We went home on the 6th of December, hopeful but worried because of the Romanian health system. We were supposed to be back in February for the second surgery and in all this time the baby had to be kept away from any virus, any bacteria, any sickness. It was very difficult, taking into account the fact that our elder boy went to kindergarden and could take several viruses. But God took care of everything and we managed to make it to February without a problem. Tudor was growing just like a normal child. Everybody was proud of him. The time came for the second surgery and we went back to Viena optimistical, hopeful and with confidence. On the 2nd of February 2012 Tudor got his second open heart surgery, which, as the doctors put it, was a success. We were very happy, Tudor’s recovery from the surgery was great and we didn’t think something bad could happen. But the nightmare only began. 7 days after the surgery, on the 1st of March, Tudor had a myocardial infarction. Yes, a 4-month baby had a heart attack. That was when we were told again “We’re sorry, the next hours are critical, we don’t know if he’s going to make it”. It was too much for us. He was intubated right away and ventilated mechanically for almost 2 months. But Tudor didn’t give up, he had an unimaginable will to live. God helped us and 3 months later we left the intensive care unit. Our hopes began to grow again, we were dreaming that everything would be fine. The doctors hoped that with medication his little heart would recover from the heart attack and in a few weeks’ time we would go home. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the case, after 2 weeks he had septicemia, which pulled him back, to a stage even worse the one right after his heart attack. He was again ventilated mechanically for 1 more month, 2 days after being extubated he had a respiratory arrest and was intubated again, for another 2 weeks.
And then the sun came up again. Our
dreams of him being ok rose again. And that’s what it looked like. His health
was getting better and better. His heart began to work better, he didn’t need
oxygen, his tests came back good. The doctors were optismistic and already set
a date to let us go. We were counting the days, we couldn’t wait any longer.
And Tudor was getting better, up to the evening of the 8th of July,
when he had a heart attack in my arms. I felt that the world came to an end, I
couldn’t find the strength to react, I couldn’t cry, I was stunned with pain. I
couldn’t understand why now, when everything seemed to be ok, why again? It
wasn’t fair. He was resuscitated and transferred back to the IC unit. Again
intubated, again uncertainties, good days, bad days. But with all these, Tudor
fought for his life, he didn’t want to give up. He managed to get over this
episode, to breathe again on his own. Now it makes sense to us - God is guarding him, there’s no doubt about
it. He listens to our prayers and those of the ones around us. The doctors went
on with the therapy needed to recover the functions of his little heart, but
unfortunately, his little heart can’t make it anymore. The doctores hoped that
all this time his heart would recover more, but it’s not the case.
Unfortunatelly, the doctors came to
the conclusion that his heart can’t make it anymore and in this situation, his
chance are almost null. The only hope for Tudor is a heart transplant.
Tough news for us, but it also gives
us the strength to go on. We are determined to do everything that’s possible to
We’ve been in the hospital in Viena
for 8 months now, with no interruption. It’s difficult to stay away from home,
from family, from my dear boy. It’s difficult to live each day with fear that
something bad would happen. We are exhausted physically, mentally and
financially. It’s not difficult, it’s extremely difficult. But his will to live
gives us the strength to go on.
We know that there’s nothing by chance
and God is in control of all the things. And we pray strongly that He would
help us overcome this situation and to make out of Tudor a living proof for the
power of God – “with men this is impossible. But with God all things are
Atenție Every One !!! Numele meu este cetățean DORIS HENRY SUA și am fost inselat doi Internet diferite înșelat creditor internațional, toate acestea promit să-mi dea credit, după ce taxele mele de plată care dau nimic și a fost un rezultat pozitiv. Mi-am pierdut banii greu câștigați, și e un total de 6,000Eueo. Într-o zi în timp ce am fost de navigare pe internet cu lacrimi la vederea am dat peste mărturia femeilor care au fost, de asemenea, scammed și în cele din urmă s-au legat cu o companie de împrumut legit numit (legal fonduri de împrumut FIRM), Director al MRS MARIA OMER. {}. unde a primit în cele din urmă un împrumut, așa că am decis să contacteze aceeași societate de împrumut, iar apoi le-a spus povestea mea despre cum am fost inselat de doi creditori diferiți care au făcut nimic, dar, desigur, mă doare mai mult. Am explica societatea prin e-mail și tot ce am spus a fost plâns mai mult pentru că am lua meu credit în compania lor, și, de asemenea, am făcut o alegere bună prin contactarea lor. Am completat formularul de cerere de împrumut și a continuat cu tot ceea ce se cere de la mine si aici eu sunt încă fericit pentru că am fost fonduri de împrumut legit COMPANY {} dat împrumut, așa că am făcut un jurământ de sine-mi că am păstra mărturia pe Internet despre cum am ajuns împrumut dorită de mine. Ai nevoie de un împrumut de urgență amabil și rapid de contact (fonduri de împrumut legit ale companiei), este acum pentru împrumut prin e {}
Dna Maria Omer
salut oameni
RăspundețiȘtergereRegistru guvern, MR Buzzy împrumut WHITE creditor. Cei care au nevoie de împrumuturi de asistență.
Ești în dificultăți financiare, ai nevoie de un împrumut
curat dept ta? Ești un om de afaceri sau o femeie care intenționează să
extinde afacerea dumneavoastră? Va oferim toate tipurile de împrumuturi rată scăzută a dobânzii de 3%;. va rugam sa ne contactati prin
e-mail: ( (
Cerere de credit
Completați detaliile de prelucrare noastre de fondul de împrumut.
1) numele ....................
2) ............................... AGE
3) ............................... SEX
4) ....................... ȚARA ....
5) STAT .............................
6) OCUPAȚIE .................... ....
7) STAREA CIVILĂ ....................
8) numărul de telefon ........................ ...
9) venitul lunar .......................
10) ADRESA ..................... ..........
11) Suma necesară .............................
12) SCOP ..............................
13) DURATA .............................
14) TELEFON ................... ........
RăspundețiȘtergereBună ziua,
Se aplică pentru împrumut la prețuri accesibile cu COOPERATIVE WORLD IMPRUMUT COMPANY PLC. EMAIL ADRESA:
Bine ati venit la COOPERATIVE WORLD CREDIT COMPANY PLC un serviciu personalizat pentru toate nevoile dvs. financiare COOPERATIVE WORLD CREDIT COMPANY PLC Furnizori Oferte de împrumut la o rată a dobânzii foarte scăzută de 2%, oferim împrumuturi personale, credite de consolidare a datoriei, capital de risc, de împrumut de afaceri, de împrumut de învățământ , împrumut acasă, și de împrumut pentru orice motiv și nevoile urgente, cu o durată maximă de 1 până la 30 de ani, Sunteti un om de afaceri sau o femeie? Ești în nevoie de un împrumut de urgență pentru a achita facturile sau datoriile? Nevoie de bani pentru a capitalului sau gestionate de a extinde afacerea dvs.? Ați fost rândul său, în jos de către bănci și alte agenții financiare griji nu mai mult ca să contactați compania noastra, Ai facturi neachitate? Vă faceți griji nici mai mult ca suntem aici pentru a vă oferi o rată a dobânzii scăzută de 2%. Împrumut noastra variază de la 5.000 dolari USD (cinci mii de dolari SUA) la $ 50, 000,000.00 USD (cincizeci de milioane de dolari SUA). De asemenea, am împrumuta în Statele Unite ale Americii DOLARI EURO și lire sterline și MAI MULTE !!!!!! Pentru noi pentru a continua cu tine contactati-ne acum la adresa de e-mail de mai jos:
Bună ziua, numele meu este Julia Simon, o victimă a fraudei în mâinile creditorilor falși. Am pierdut aproximativ 80,000Euro pentru că am nevoie de un capital mare de 195,000Euro. Aproape că a murit, am avut nici un loc pentru a merge. afacerea mea a fost distrusă, iar în acest proces am pierdut fiul meu. Nu mai pot suporta din nou, acest lucru se întâmplă. în decembrie 2014, am întâlnit un prieten care mi-a prezentat o mamă bună, doamna Augusta Ibramhim, care în cele din urmă m-au ajutat asigura un împrumut de la o companie. mamă bună, aș dori să profit de această ocazie pentru a spune vă mulțumesc și Dumnezeu continua să vă binecuvânteze. Îmi place, de asemenea, să folosească această oportunitate de a consilia colegii români, că există o mulțime de escroci acolo, așa că, dacă aveți nevoie de un împrumut, și doresc să obțină un credit rapid, conectați-vă cu dna Augusta Ibramhim prin e-mail: De asemenea, puteți să mă contactați prin e-mail acest: dacă aveți îndoieli. te rog el este singurul care este de încredere și de încredere.
Halo, sunt Helena Julio din Ecuador, vreau să vorbesc bine despre Serviciul de finanțare Le_Meridian pe acest subiect. Serviciul de finanțare Le_Meridian îmi oferă sprijin financiar atunci când toată banca din orașul meu a respins cererea de a-mi acorda un împrumut de 500.000,00 USD. Am încercat tot ce am putut pentru a obține un împrumut de la băncile mele aici, în Ecuador, dar m-au respins cu toții, deoarece creditul meu era scăzut, dar cu harul dumnezeiesc, am aflat despre Le_Meridian, așa că am decis să încerc să solicit acest împrumut. Cu Dumnezeu dispus să-mi acorde un împrumut de 500.000,00 USD cererea de împrumut pentru care băncile mele din Ecuador m-au refuzat, a fost foarte grozav să fac afaceri cu ele, iar afacerea mea merge bine acum. Iată Le_Meridian Financing Investment Email / WhatsApp Contact dacă doriți să aplicați împrumuturi de la / lfdsloans@outlook.comWhatsApp Contact: + 1-989-394-3740.
RăspundețiȘtergereMĂRTURIE PRIVIND CUM AM OBȚINUT ÎMPRUMUTUL DE (AED 450.000,00 Dirham) DE LA O COMPANIE DE FINANȚĂ GENUITĂ SĂPTĂMÂNA trecută Email pentru răspuns imediat:
RăspundețiȘtergereNumele meu este Qutiba alsaleh din Abu Dhabi
Instituțiile de credit de împrumut vă pot ajuta, de asemenea, cu o ofertă legitimă de împrumut. El a ajutat și alți colegi de-ai mei. Dacă aveți nevoie de un împrumut autentic fără costuri / stres, acesta este creditorul potrivit pentru a vă șterge problemele financiare și criza de astăzi. Instituțiile de credit de credit dețin toate informațiile despre cum să obțineți bani rapid și nedureros prin WhatsApp: +393510483991 Email: