" Buna, sunt Tudor si am 54 cm si 3.980 kg....." asa suna sms-ul cu care ne-a intampinat pe lume Tudor Tiplea in data de 10 octombrie 2011, noi cei care l-am asteptat atata: familie, prieteni, colegi de ai parintilor, vecini, etc...Tudor este un copil mult asteptat si dorit.
Dar bucuria nu a durat prea mult pentru ca in noaptea de 11-12 octombrie s-a declansat cosmarul, Tudor are probleme cu inima si trebuie transportat de urgenta la Cluj. Acolo medicii pun un verdict aproape fatal : "hipoplazie de cord stang", cu sanse minime de viata. Vestea cutremura pe toata lumea, toti cunoscutii parintilor si incepe o serie de zile istovitoare, drumuri zilnice la Cluj, sperante minime, stres ingrozitor...li s-a spus ca daca va supravietui o saptamana (DACA!) se va putea eventual incerca o interventie chirurgicala insa nimeni nu ii da nici o sansa, nu se stiu complicatiile care pot sa mai apara, etc
Parintii traiesc zile de cosmar, drumuri si ore nenumarate de asteptare pe holurile Spitalului Ginecologie 1din Cluj. Aceste zile care trebuiau sa fie cele mai fericite, primele zile de acomodare a bebelusului in noul camin, in familia lui, au devenit pentru Tudor zile de stat pe aparate si lupta, multa lupta pentru fiecare ora de viata, lupta cu acest diagnostic ingrozitor, cu apatia si negativismul medicilor, cu lipsa de speranta si sansa la viata.
Insa uneori noi oamenii , care ne credem de cele mai multe ori atotputernici si autosuficienti, uitam adesea ca toate lucrurile sunt in mana lui Dumnezeu, dar in astfel de momente cand devenim neputinciosi ne aducem aminte si apelam la El, iar El ne asculta rugaciunile.
Nu stiu cate zeci de persoane s-au rugat pentru acest copil, dar au fost multi oameni din toata tara, astfel ca fiecare zi de supravietuire a lui Tudor a fost un miracol, de fapt fiecare ora....si a trecut prima saptamana in care parintii au trait emotii cat altii intr-o viata de om (pot doar sa imi imaginez).
Week 1 – A terrible news
“Hi, my name is Tudor and I am 54cm and 3.98 kg…” that was the text message sent to welcome baby boy Tudor Tiplea to the world on October 10th 2011. To those ready to meet the little baby like family, friends, parents coworkers, neighbors, etc… Tudor was a very expected baby.
But the happiness didn't last much because in the night between 11 to 12 October the nightmare started. Tudor has major health issues and needed to be transferred immediately to Cluj. There the doctors gave a fatal verdict: “hypoplasia left cord” with minimum chances of survival. The news brought everybody down. The family started driving daily to Cluj, with no hope, just huge stress… They were told that IF the baby survives one week there could be done a first surgery, but none of the doctors believed there was a hope since more complications might appear, etc.
The parents lived a nightmare, driving for hours and just waiting in the hospital Ginecologie 1 in Cluj. These first days should have been the happiest days, just getting to know the baby in his house with his family but these days turned out to be a huge fight for Tudor, struggling to survive with the life support system, to stay alive a few more hours, fighting with this horrible illness, with doctors' negativity, with no hope to live or a chance to life.
Sometimes we, who believe we know and can do everything, forget that all the things are in God’s hand and only in moments of need we remember Him and call upon His name, and He does answer our prayers.
I don’t know how many people have been praying for this child but there were many people from the entire country because every day, every hour, every minute that Tudor survives IS a miracle… and during this first week the parents have been living emotions that other people experience (or don't) during in a lifetime.. (I can only imagine...)
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