vineri, 21 octombrie 2011

Saptamana 2- Agonie si extaz

Cam asa se poate intitula daca ar fi sa punem un motto al acestei saptamani de viata a lui Tudor, vazut din perspectiva parintilor, o trecere de la agonie la extaz, de la dezamagire si deznadejde totala la o farama de speranta aparuta de marti incoace, cand Tudor a inceput sa respire singur.
Luni li s-a spus parintilor sa nu isi mai faca sperante pentru ca Tudor mai are cateva ore de trait (facuse un stop cardio-respirator), asa ca parintii au asteptat in masina neputinciosi anuntatul sfarsit...daca asta vrea Dumnezeu asta va fi, pana la urma cine suntem noi cand nu putem decide sau comanda viata sau moartea?

Dar Dumnezeu are alte planuri pentru Tudor si incepand de marti incoace a aparut o raza de speranta, foarte firava insa acum orice firicel de speranta este absolut vital...asa ca parintii au inceput un razboi cu birocratia romaneasca pentru a face toate demersurile necesare unei operatii in strainatate la o clinica din Linz, Austria.
Aceasta operatie ii poate reda inimioara lui Tudor, o inima completa (care acum are doar 2 camere in loc de 4), o sansa la viata si la fericirea care le merita orice copil de pe lumea asta.
Dar pentru aceasta este nevoie de ajutor financiar substantial....vom reveni cu date concrete despre suma necesara, data operatiei si alte informatii. Vom publica de asemenea si setul de acte medicale pentru toti cei care vor sa le consulte.

Week 2

How can we define this week of Tudor’s life seen from his parents angle? They went from deep sadness to happiness, from being hopeless to hopeful again starting on Tuesday to present, since Tudor started breathing by himself.
On Monday the doctors told the parents that Tudor had no chances to live therefore they were just waiting in the car totally hopeless for the pronouncement of the end of their baby’s life… if that’s God’s will that’s it. At the end, who are we to decide upon life or death?
But God has other plans for Tudor and starting from Tuesday there is a hope, a slim one though, therefore the parents started a war against Romanian’s paperwork to be able to admit Tudor into a clinic in Linz, Austria.
This surgery could give Tudor a new heart (which now has only 2 chambers instead of 4), a chance to live and be happy, a chance that every child deserves.
But for this  there is a need of substantial financial help… we will post  more details about the costs and date of the surgery. We will also post all the medical documents for you to review.

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