luni, 28 noiembrie 2011

Recuperarea lui Tudor - Tudor's recovery

Am amanat putin prea mult aceasta postare, nu exista un motiv anume, poate doar acela ca in fiecare zi imi ziceam "sa mai treaca o zi, sa fie totul ok" inca o zi si inca o uite asa au trecut deja 4 saptamani si vestile sunt cat se poate de bune. Incet dar sigur Tudor isi revine, invata sa fie bebelus si sa se bucure de momentele deosebite alaturi de mama lui care sta acum cu el, dar si restul familiei lui (deocamdata in scurtele vizite care le-au facut la Viena), insa cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu si daca totul merge conform planului, sambata Tudor va putea veni acasa. Mai sunt mici pasi care cer efort si rabdare, trebuie sa invete sa manance pentru ca el a fost hranit doar cu sonda, insa ce a fost mai greu a trecut, iar de acum urmeaza strangerea fortelor si a resurselor (inclusiv financiare) pentru urmatoarea operatie care va avea loc cand Tudor va ajunge la 6-7 kg. Asadar razboiul vindecarii continua, insa prima batalie a fost castigata cu succes, medicii austrieci au fost deosebiti si rezultatele sunt cat se poate de imbucuratoare. Voi reveni cat mai curand cu alte vesti, sper si mai bune, promit sa nu mai dureze 4 saptamani:)

I postponed a bit too much this post, without any particular reason, except maybe that everyday I was praying.." let's wait just one more day, let's hope everything will be ok.."..and so the days have passed, and today there are 4 weeks since Tudor was operated and the news are the best. Slowly but surely Tudor is recovering, is learning to be a healthy baby and to enjoy the great moments with his mother who is staying with him in the hospital but also with the rest of his family (for the moment only in the short trips made to Vienna), but with God's help on Saturday Tudor will be coming home to Baia Mare. There are a few steps ahead that require effort and patience, he must learn to eat by himself, but the hardest part is now in the past and they must gather again their forces and resources (including the financial ones) for the next surgery that will be done when Tudor will have at least 6-7 kg. So the war of getting healthy is not over yet but the first  battle was gained succesfully, thanks to the Austrian doctors which had extraordinary results. I will be posting news, hopefully very good ones, I promise not to wait another 4 weeks:)

here are some pictures with Tudor and his brother Vlady

3 comentarii:

  1. Felicitari pentru vestile bune !
    Va asteptam sa reveniti acasa, sanatosi si mancaciosi ! :*

  2. Felicitari! Ne-am rugat in fiecare seara pt Tudor. Doamne Ajuta.

    Fam. Iliescu

  3. Ne bucuram mult pentru vestile bune! Doamne ajuta sa nu mai aiba probleme si sa creasca mare si sanatos!
